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Analytical Service and Application Procedure



Please make all initial enquiries to Dr. Laura Hepburn (see Contacts) who can provide detailed advice on preparing a formal application to the NEIF Panel C prior to the appropriate deadline. The Panel meets biannually, normally around May and November. Proposal submission deadlines are typically six weeks before each meeting.

Please note that if you are considering a substantial component of stable isotope work for a NERC Grant (of any type) or Studentship, then discussions with Adrian at an early stage may be of considerable assistance in developing the project. Full costings via a formal Technical Assessment must be included in your NERC Grant application via Je-S: we will happily help you formulate your stable isotope programme and provide the Technical Assessment. If you follow this route, then it will be administratively easier to proceed with your analysis.

Access to the NEIF Stable Isotope Lab in Earth Sciences at SUERC – and our experienced staff - is free to all NEIF approved projects. Projects that successfully pass the NERC peer-review committee acquire a NERC grant-in-kind (based on the analytical and training programme, the total of which you will be given if successful), which is fully REF accountable. 

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